Related Government and Other Helpful Websites
A great resources for reentry material, including the large REPORT OF THE REETNRY POLICY COUNCIL that has become an anchor document for reentry planning.
Crime in America.Net is administered by government criminologists and criminal justice professionals with decades of experience. This is not, however, a government site and its views to not represent the policies of our employers. It is a portal of real-time releases of empirical evaluations of programs.
The goal of this TIP is to make readers aware of the research, results, and promise of motivational interventions in the hope that they will be used more widely in clinical practice and treatment programs across the United States.
Texas Christian University houses a National Research Center for Addiction Treatment Studies. The website offers many public domain instruments and publications, including the widely used TCU Drug Screen.
With more than 40 years experience in the field, ICCA is a primary source of information and training on applying research on evidence-based practices to community corrections.
This National Institute of Corrections website contains “Evidence Based Practices in Corrections” that can be downloaded.
Encouraging workforce development through integrated, gender-specific behavioral healthcare information across disciplines.
The Pew Center website’s criminal justice/public safety link contains seminal work on the cost of incarceration and the barriers to successful reentry.
This website provides information on “Seeking Safety,” an evidence-based model for substance abuse and trauma/PTSD developed by Lisa Najavitis. In contains research on the model, training offered, and more.
This website contains information on Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPs) and Technical Assistance Protocols (TAPs) that are public domain and can be downloaded or ordered in print form at no cost.
This training provides an overview for juvenile justice (JJ) staff of how to work towards creating a trauma-informed JJ residential setting. It contains six case studies of representative youth who’ve been involved with the JJ system.
Website Training Links
NTTAC coordinates training and technical assistance activities on behalf of BJA. NTTAC provides expert consultants to speak, conduct training, conduct a needs assessment, design, implement, and evaluate a program, offer strategic support and assistance, facilitate peer-to-peer consulting, develop or review documents, conduct criminal justice research, and more. Topics include “mental health and substance abuse.”
A request for assistance is available on the NTTAC website (above) or call 1-888-347-5610 or email
The Drug Court Training Initiative offers training opportunities for operational adult and family drug court teams. The overarching goals of the program are to help drug courts develop better program practices, improve program outcomes, and enhance services that lead to greater program effectiveness and long-term participant success.
For further information concerning NDCI State and Regional Adult Drug Court Training opportunities, please contact Dana Jenkins at:
The National Drug Court Institute
4900 Seminary Road, Suite 320
Alexandria, VA 22311
Telephone (703) 575-9400 ext. 11
Fax (703) 575-9402