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RSAT Forum > Monthly Discussion > April 2020: COVID-19 View modes: 
skeller - 4/1/2020 7:03:33 PM
April 2020: COVID-19
Obviously, specifics will depend upon your community and each participant. If the person is homeless, they will be at much higher risk than if they have a home where they can hunker down to avoid unnecessary contact with people who may be infected. At the moment, the best guidance may be sharing what the Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) has put out. The following links to a summary of these guidelines that may be of help for reentering RSAT participants and anyone else reentering the community from prison or jail.

Summary of CDC Guidelines for Reentering RSAT Participants

Additionally, RSAT-TTA just put out guidelines of best practices for preparing people leaving jail or prison to care for themselves. Preparing People for Rentry from Jails and Prisons During the COVID-19 Epidemic