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eeagle - (12/19/2013 10:00:52 AM)
RE:December 2013: Health Insurance and Continuing Treatment
If you check out the home page, there are links to some good articles addressing some issues relating to justice involved persons and ACA. Unfortunately, most deal with policy not nuts and bolts, probably because this is so new. There are a lot of people who are paid to facilitate sign up for health insurance called “Navigators” and other names.  RSAT personnel should be able to ask them to assist in signing up inmates while incarcerated or as soon as inmates are released to the community.  Ideally, enrollments should be done while incarcerated so there is no lag in coverage and inmates can obtain medical and behavioral health care immediately upon release.  However, even if inmates enroll while incarcerated, their coverage doesn’t start until released unless they received treatment outside the walls for more than 24 hours.  According to the linked articles posted on the website, prisons and jails are defined conservatively so halfway houses, work release facilities do not count and their residents are covered.

~Andy Klein