
Monthly Discussion Your chance to join the discussion: Every month we'll add a new topic for you to discuss with the community.
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Thread Created by Posts Views Last post
February 2018: Drug treatment in prisons. JCosta
1 3419 JCosta
(2/2/2018 4:29:58 PM)
November 2017: How will legalization and the proliferation of medical marijuana impact RSAT programming? JCosta
1 2962 JCosta
(11/22/2017 12:12:03 PM)
August 2017: Beginning a buprenorphine MAT program JCosta
1 3404 JCosta
(8/16/2017 8:44:09 AM)
May 2017: Screening and assessment for severe mental illness for RSAT programs serving individuals with co-occurring disorders. JCosta
2 3715 JCosta
(7/6/2017 10:36:40 AM)
February 2017: Keeping Suboxone Contraband Out of RSAT Pods JCosta
1 6144 JCosta
(2/1/2017 1:38:08 PM)
October 2016: Prison Tablets JCosta
3 4101 JCosta
(12/15/2016 11:49:36 AM)
August 2016: Sanctions for RSAT inmates eeagle
3 3292 JCosta
(8/18/2016 2:40:23 PM)
June 2016: Medicaid and treating inmates JCosta
3 3538 JCosta
(6/24/2016 3:30:01 PM)
January 2016: Providing medication (drugs) to inmates eeagle
6 3544 JCosta
(4/12/2016 10:20:40 AM)
October 2015: Change Company curriculums eeagle
2 3666 eeagle
(10/15/2015 3:05:45 PM)
1 2 3 4 5 6