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eeagle - (5/8/2015 10:55:10 AM)
RE:May 2015: RSAT program best practices
I don't think we can do justice to the issues raised -the answer(s) are not static, but dynamic in nature. They involve training in TC operations and cross-training of CO and treatment staff ‎ together so that sanctions/incentives are matched to the program setting. Complex issues as handling participant rule violations so they are learning/teaching experiences and not punishment driven are best addressed in training where attitudes can be addressed.

Some written answers to the issues are addressed in CSAT's TC manual, our RSAT page, and host of TC training literature that is in the public domain‎ available by searching NIDA and SAMHSA websites.

But this really sounds like TC process‎ issues that are best handled on in-person TA/TC training.