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NmShifman - (6/6/2014 2:14:44 PM)
RE:June 2014: RSAT and alcohol abuse

My approach has always been to address the multiple drunk driving offender as a person in need of alcoholism treatment - thus abstinence is the starting point and immersion into a recovery centered lifestyle is the goal. 

Obviously, EBP's all help in this process. They have put the "evidence data" behind what has been going on for several decades in good alcoholism treatment programs.

Re the brain disease aspects - in a broad sense, we approach it as the same because the addiction pleasure pathways are the same (though specific drugs do cause specific and differential neurotransmitter responses, but in a general sense, its all part of the pleasure pathway and the "addiction as a brain disease that effects behavior" is broad enough to apply is irrespective of the specific addictive drug)

Drunk drivers usually don't view themselves as criminal, though many are so in both thinking patterns and personality type -just haven't got charged or caught, yet. In my view, dunk driver programs that deal with second or multiple offenders should be differentiated by focusing on abstinence and zero tolerance for any use, with a focus on "how to stay sober and build a network of support. For first offenders there can be more openness for an education approach.

Drug programs with other drug offenders emphasize the above but also the criminogenic risk/needs factors more so than a DUI program. I think the key for drug courts is to assess and differentiate whether they are dealing with a person who is a user, abuser, or chronic hard core repeat DD offender.


Stephen K. Valle, Sc.D., M.B.A.,
Licensed Psychologist, LADC I, CADAC
President & CEO, AdCare Criminal Justice Services