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RSAT Forum > Monthly Discussion > August 2014: Evidence Based RSAT programs View modes: 
eeagle - 7/29/2014 10:28:05 AM
August 2014: Evidence Based RSAT programs
How does a state grantee know if the RSAT program being funded or applying for funding is "evidence-based"? 

eeagle - 7/30/2014 11:08:14 AM
RE:August 2014: Evidence Based RSAT programs

Great question.  This came up at the recent RSAT Annual Workshop in Chicago.  The following links to a presentation prepared for that conference but was not presented due to time constraints that has been adapted to address this question.  It describes the principles of evidence based practices that should define RSAT programming and ends with a handy checklist on rating how a RSAT program application or existing program does in regard to these substance abuse treatment and correctional principles.
View the Presentation Here

Andy Klein,

RSAT TTA Project Director